Three-zing cool summer price reduction

Summer is now officially started, and PingPipe is offering cool special pricing on its most popular dual processor dedicated server.  Starting now, we’ve three-zed the monthly cost on Dual Intel Nethalon 5520 self-managed dedicated servers. This package comes complete with dual 2.26 Ghz quad core processors (total of eight cores), 12 ... Continuare »

22 Iun 2010
12 GB RAM and 6000 GB traffic included

Our dual processor Intel 5520 dedicated servers are great for your resource-intensive and high traffic applications. In addition to 12 GB of RAM we're now including 6000 GB per month Premium traffic on a 100 Mb/s port. More bandwidth and custom configurations such as your own private 1 Gb/s VLAN are available, contact PingPipe Sales ... Continuare »

29 MaI 2010
Triple the bandwidth

We've tripled the included bandwidth on our 2.4 GHz Intel Quad Core dedicated servers, and kept the same low price. These servers are moving quickly; to sign up log into your PingPipe client area or visit the product description page on

1 Mar 2010
Intel Q6600 on sale

There's new lower pricing available on Intel Q6600 dedicated servers with PingPipe. The base configuration includes 2GB of RAM, a 250 GB SATA hard drive, and more. New lower pricing means you'll now save over $200/year ! There's limited quantities, so order now from our single processor dedicated server page or the PingPipe client area (for ... Continuare »

17 Feb 2010
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